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BAGO (Be Active, Go Outside)

BAGO (Be Active, Go Outside) is a partnership between pdsF.U.S.I.O.N., Winnebago County Park and the Oshkosh Recreation Department. We are working to move the needle on inactivity and obesity in Winnebago County through a series of family focused initiatives geared to get people outside and away from screens.


Being the 920 area code, we are encouraging residents to track 920 hours outdoors in active play and movement. Use the pdf download to track your hours!

Bike Trip
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Stay tuned for more information about our upcoming monthly events!


June: Be Active, Go Camping

July: Fairy Tale Trail at the Park

August: Fitness at the Park (In the Dark)

September: Park Hunters Scavenger Hunt

October: Haunted Hustle 5K

November: Plank You

December: Reindeer Roundup

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